Quranic Education

Durehussain learnings Online
2 min readMar 5, 2021


Islam is most power religion with the vast knowledge it has. Islam emphasizes much in getting educated. The first word of Quran is ‘’IQRA’’ which means reading. This reflects that how much importance Islam has given to education. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also raises the importance of getting education in every Muslim gathering. Thus from its very beginning Islam has been in support of education and learning, and what better book can there be to learn than the Holy Quran-The word of Allah Almighty. So for Muslim Quran education is much more important than any other religious book. Muslim learns Quran and lives their lives according to saying of Allah and Prophet PBUH.

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Online Quranic Academy

The point why Muslims must learn Quran because this book is divine source of knowledge, the words written is in it directly come from Allah. Moreover, it also guides us the right path through which Muslims can rise in this life and the Day of Judgment also.

Muslim Responsibility

In Quran Allah says that it is responsibility of every Muslim to learn and teach Quran. It is the duty of parents to help their children learn Quran, so that their foundation becomes strong upon which they grow to become better Muslims. Therefore, for better lives of your children, here and hereafter, you need to keep Quran education for them on the top of the priorities list.

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Learnings Online Academy

We live in an era of technology where all our chores and the works we used to perform have digitalized and cannot be performed without technology anymore. Therefore, you can easily avoid the hassle of finding a good Quran Academy, taking out time to drop the children at a Quran Academy and then pick them up, instead, what you can do is simple make use of technology and go for our Quran online learning program.



Durehussain learnings Online
Durehussain learnings Online

Written by Durehussain learnings Online


learn Quran and read Quran with proper pronunciation, punctuation and interpretation. feel free to contact for 7-days free trail classes.

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